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MyRadCare- Manage your Account
Dosimetry 101
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MyRadCare- Manage your Account
Dosimetry 101
Shipping Status
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Understand your invoices
Ancillary Fees and How to Avoid Them
Understand Your Renewal Invoice
Understand Your Renewal Billing Statement
What Type of Billing Options does RDC offer?
What is Included in my RDC Service?
What is a UnReturned Badge Fee?
What is a Insufficient Postage Fee?
How is the Renewal calculated? (Pre-paid accounts)
Where can I get a copy of my invoice? Where can I find my previous invoices?
Are Credits Automatically Applied?
I prepaid for my Account less than a year ago. Why did I just receive a new invoice with an amount due?
Why is there a negative balance due on my account?
Why did I receive two different Renewal Invoices? Which one should I pay?
Why is my Account on a Hold?
Why is my account on hold with no invoice to pay? (Prepaid Account)
How do I read my statement? (Post Paid)