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Dosimetry 101
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MyRadCare- Manage your Account
Dosimetry 101
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How to view your reports and create individual reports
View Dose Reports
Generate an Individual Report
Can I Breastfeed After Being Exposed to X-Ray Radiation?
Am I Required to Provide Monitoring for a Minor?
Why Can't I See My Reports?
How do I know which reports I have reviewed?
Why do I have a report for a set of badges that the wear period has not ended?
Can I View My Dose Record Without Logging into MyRadCare?
Download and Review Multiple Reports
Why wasn't a report generated for a specific wearer?
When reviewing my reports/Form 5, I see 'ND'. What does 'ND' mean?
Why do the doses on the Form 5 Equivalent seem lower than the doses on my Radiation Dosimetry report?
What is a Form 5 and what should I do with it?