Account holds are triggered differently based on the account billing Type.
What type of billing do I have?
Prepaid: Prepayment is required upfront to cover an estimated 12 months of service.
Statement: Post-paid account. The invoice number is alphanumerical (ABC123)
Invoice: Post-paid account. The invoice is 7 digits (1231234)
To keep a prepaid account active, it is essential to maintain a positive credit balance at all times. If the account balance reaches $0.00, the system will automatically put the account on hold.
Statement and Invoice:
For statement and Invoiced accounts, the payment terms are set at Net 30 days. This means that you have 30 days from the time of the charge to make the payment. However, if a payment is not received within 45 days from the date of the charge, we will send you a notice about the delinquent invoice. If the payment is still not received within 60 days from the charge, your account will be put on hold.