I prepaid for my Account less than a year ago. Why did I just receive a new invoice with an amount due?

Get clarification on why you received your renewal invoice.

As a prepaid account (invoice with an alphanumerical invoice number), you are required to make a payment upfront for an estimated 12 months of service. The renewal or payment amount required is based on the following: The current number of badges in the account, the current price, and the frequency (or number of shipments per year). Since all of the factors listed have the possibility of changing at any point the renewal cost is for an estimated year of service and not for a calendar year.

Our Prepaid accounts must have an available credit balance at all times to remain in good standing. To prevent your account from having a zero-dollar balance or an outstanding amount due, a renewal invoice will be generated when there is not enough credit in your account to cover the full payment for the next shipment of badges.

Want more information on your renewal or how to read it? Check out the below article.

Understand Your Renewal