Understand Your Renewal Billing Statement

An overview to understand your billing statement and available payment options.

About Statement Billing

RDC lists all charges, payments, and credits posted to your account on one monthly billing statement so you can see everything in one place. If your invoice number is a combination of letters and numbers, such as AWU150, it is associated with a statement or prepaid account.

Renewal Statements (Prepaid Accounts) 

An annual Service Renewal will be generated on your statement to replenish funds when the following two conditions exist:

  1. The next Wear Date is within 90 days
  2. The estimated pricing for those badges exceeds the current cash available in the account.

Example: The next Start Date is in 60 days at the close of the billing cycle. The cost of the next shipment is $100, but only $75 remains in the account. Therefore, a Service Renewal will generate for an estimated year of service (based on current rates and quantities) in order to replenish funds.

Note: If the Service Renewal is not paid by the close of the billing cycle, it will appear again on the following statement. To avoid duplicate payments, be sure to review your Amount Due in MyRadCare

How to Read your Statement

Previous Balance/Credit - Payments + New Charges/Credits + Service Renewal = Amount Due

Renewal 2

Note:  Only a breakdown of new charges will be listed on the current statement. Any unpaid balance or outstanding credit remaining at the close of the billing cycle will appear in the "Previous Balance" section. To view previous charges, review the statement on which the charge occurred. 


Where to View Your Statement

  1. Login to MyRadCare and access your payment details under the "Account" tab.
  2. Each statement is available as a PDF under "Invoices," along with a summary of charges.
  3. To avoid delays in payment and ensure continuous service, a convenient AutoPay option is available to customers which will automatically charge your credit card at the time the statement runs.

Tip: Don’t let a missed payment stop you from getting your badges! When you enroll in AutoPay, we will automatically charge your credit card when payment is due. Avoid late payment fees and save on postage by not having to mail in a payment.