All reports are located on the Reports tab in MyRadCare. If the report you are looking for is not listed, there are a few things you should check for.
- Verify the shipment of badges has been received and checked in.
- Click here for instructions on how to check the status of your badge
- Please note that it takes approximately 5-7 business days after the shipment is checked in for a report to be created and published on MyRadCare.
- Click here for instructions on how to check the status of your badge
- Verify the Group has not been inactivated.
- Reports are created and stored under the group. If a group has been inactivated the reports will be hidden. To see reports for an inactive group check the box at the top labeled 'Show Inactive Groups'
- If you need to review older reports, you can select the 'Show All Reports' check box. This will allow you to view all of the reports that have been created.
- Reports are created and stored under the group. If a group has been inactivated the reports will be hidden. To see reports for an inactive group check the box at the top labeled 'Show Inactive Groups'