TLD Whole Body
Our Standard Type 82 TLD-XBG badge or Type 83 TLD-XBGN badge for neutrons are used to monitor occupational exposure to a single individual working with radioactive materials. "Whole body” is considered to be the head, torso, arms above the elbow, or legs above the knee.
TLD whole-body dosimeters have been a trusted technology for decades and are still highly efficient today.
- Badge Type: Standard TLD-XBG badge or type 83 badge for neutron monitoring
- Service Overview: Personnel Badges are used to monitor occupational exposure to a single individual working with radioactive materials to ensure the dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
- Product Details: The TLD-XBG/TLD-XBGN is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
- Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, Gamma (Neutron reporting available with badge type 83). Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV. Neutron: Thermal -6 MeV.
- Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly.
OSL Whole Body
Like whole-body TLD badges, OSL 84 badges are generally worn on the collar, waist, or torso, with the label facing the radiation source.
A major benefit is OSL dosimeters provide for the possibility of repeated readout. This means that OSL dosimeters are often archived for multiple years and can be re-read, as the dose does not fade. OSL dosimeters can also be read with light (unlike a TLD dosimeter which must be heated), which helps simplify the design. Their low dose rate sensitivity is also a benefit. Finally, OSL dosimeters are not impacted by heat or water.
- Badge Type: Standard OSL badge or type 84 badge for photon monitoring.
- Service Overview: Personnel Badges are used to monitor occupational exposure to a single individual working with radioactive materials including Photons (gamma and X-ray) to ensure the dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
- Product Details: The OSL dosimeter is a 2-element beryllium oxide (BeO) badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv), and a LLD of 1 mrem (0.01 mSv).
- Energies Measured: Photon: 12 keV – 7 MeV.
- Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual, Annual
Ring Badge
Our TLD-XBG Extremity ring 05 badge is available for radiation workers whose job functions potentially require their arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, and toes to receive a higher exposure.
Ring badges can be used by veterinarians taking x-rays - i.e. having to hold the animal down during the exam. Accurately assesses personal dose equivalent at the site where it's worn.
- Service Overview: Extremity badges are available for radiation workers whose job functions potentially require their arms or legs to receive a higher exposure. These employees may benefit from a ring or wrist badge to ensure the extremity dose received remains within the allowable Dose Limits.
- Product Details: The TLD-XBG Extremity is a single-element Ring Dosimeter for extremities with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
- Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, and Gamma. Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV.
- Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly
Area TLD (Harshaw or OSL)
Area Monitors can be used to ensure that the public is not being exposed to more than 100 mrem/year from outside a room/building.
Monitors potential exposure to the public, as it is the responsibility of the company to prove that the public is not being exposed to more than the allowable dose limits. Area Monitors can also be used to monitor occupational dose to employees in a room where the radiation source is located (or a room near a source, or dangerous radiation zone).
- Service Overview: Area Monitors can be used to monitor potential exposure to the public, as it is the responsibility of the company to prove that the public is not being exposed to more than allowable Dose limits. Area Monitors can also be used to monitor occupational dose to employees in a room where the source is located, or a room near a source.
- Product Details: The TLD-XBG/TLD-XBGN is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
- Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, Gamma (Neutron reporting available with badge type 83). Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV. Neutron: Thermal -6 MeV.
- Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly
Environmental Panasonic TLD with TrackEtch
Environmental TLDs can be used to monitor the environment. Dosimeter is in a clear plastic bag to withstand environmental conditions.
Detects radiation measurements to determine the dose contribution from site operation to members of the public in the general environment.
- Service Overview: Environmental TLDs can be used to monitor the environment. Detects radiation measurements to determine the dose contribution from site operation to members of the public in the general environment.
- Product Details: The TLD-XBG/TLD-XBGN is a four-element dosimeter badge with a minimum reportable dose of 10 mrem (0.10 mSv).
- Energies Measured: X-ray, Beta, Gamma (Neutron reporting available with badge type 83). Beta: 251 keV Eavg to 5 MeV Emax. Photon: 20 keV – 6 MeV. Neutron: Thermal -6 MeV.
- Reporting Periods: Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly